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When it comes to hair, its not one size fits all. However, there are certain ingredients we should all try to avoid to achieve maximum hair health.


When it comes to hair, its not one size fits all.  However, there are certain ingredients we should all try to avoid to achieve maximum hair health. Through our research, I have discovered ingredients that are deemed harmful ingredients commonly used in hair and beauty products.  Naturally curly hair presents oval-shaped cuticles making it hard to retain moisture.  With this in mind, you have to target products with ingredients that will offer your hair types the nutrients it needs and protects against potential carcinogenic ingredients.

The items listed below are items I found and I am sharing the information with you. Please be sure to research each ingredients to determine what works best for you. We encourage everyone to be as informed as possible about their hair and beauty products, so read those labels!

Diethanolamine (DEA) stabilize the pH of hair products and are common allergens and eye irritants. Toxicity Level_ High (1).png

  1. Diethanolamine (DEA) stabilize the pH of hair products and are common allergens and eye irritants. Toxicity Level:  High

  2. Formaldehyde is another preservative and extremely irritating to the skin and eyes. It is a known animal carcinogen and may increase cancer risk for humans as well - Toxicity Level:  High

  3. Isopropyl Alcohol is drying effect to hair.  It is added to assist with the absorption rate of products.  Which it does! But that can be harmful to specific hair types.  It can strip away the necessary oils from your scalp a little too well, leaving your hair dry and brittle. Ethanol AlcoholEthyl AlcoholIsopropanol AlcoholPropyl Alcohol, and SD Alcohol are also known to do this. Toxicity Level: Low

  4. Mineral Oil and petroleum are products that are used to coat.  Though coating your hair strands may seem like a great idea, it’s the opposite. Your hair and scalp so will they suffocate from the coating properties. To ensure maximum hair health, your hair must be able to BREATHE

  5. Parabens are xenoestrogens, included in shampoos as a preservative. They can disrupt hormones and even pose a cancer risk. The skin is the largest organ in your body. Therefore, the scalp is a part of this organ and it’s imperative for the scalp to not become irritated. Irritation from a possible allergic reaction can lead to inflammation on the scalp which can make hair thin and unhealthy. Toxicity Level: Range may vary

  6. Phthalates were banned from use in toy manufacturing in California, 2009, because of links between them and cancer. However, they are still often used in hair products. Toxicity Level: Range may vary

  7. Polyethylene Glycol dissolves oil and is commonly used in oven cleaners! Trust us, you don’t want this on your hair or skin. It strips away moisture and nutrients and is also a possible carcinogen. Toxicity Level: Low

  8. Propylene Glycol is used to break down protein and cellular structure and is able to quickly penetrate the skin. It’s an active ingredient in antifreeze and the EPA requires people to use protective gloves when working with it. Toxicity Level: Low

  9. Retinol is very common in skin and beauty products but has potential associations with developmental and reproductive toxicity. While it is usually safe to use, it might not be safe to use during pregnancy.

  10. Silicone are included in a lot of conditioners.  They make your hair look and feel conditioned by coating the shaft, but they just sit on the shaft, not penetrating the inside with moisture. Silicones can present has a helpful agent but some silicones are insoluble in water.  If the silicone is insoluble in water, this means it will likely need a sulfate shampoo to remove it from your hair strands.  A natural shampoo will not be effective. They can also be difficult to wash out. Toxicity Level: Range may vary

  11. Sodium Chloride is simply salt. Salt exists in shampoos and conditioners mainly to make the consistency thicker. Salt can make an already sensitive scalp dry and itchy, which can eventually be a cause of hair loss. It can also irritate and burn your eyes if you get shampoo in them.

  12. Sulfates are cleaning and foaming agents that will strip oil and dirt out of your hair so well, they remove the naturally produced sebum that moisturizes your hair. Sulfates can serve a beneficial use for certain hair types.  However, it can also serve as a harsh cleansing agent that can be harmful to naturally curly hair. Common sulfates: Sodium Lauryl SulfateSodium Laureth SulfateAmmonium Lauryl Sulfate

  13. Triethanolamine (TEA) is a fragrant ingredient, pH adjuster, surfactant, emulsifying agent, buffering and masking.  Toxicity Level: Moderate to High

  14. Toluene is a solvent that can dissolve paint and paint thinner, but it is also used in some hair color/bleaching products. This chemical can affect the respiratory system, irritate the skin, and even cause developmental damage in the fetus if expecting mothers are exposed to it. Commonly labeled as benzene, tuluol, phenylmethane, or methylbenzene.Toxicity Level: Moderate to High

  15. Triclosan is a common antimicrobial chemical used in personal care products, but it is also a known endocrine disruptor and skin irritant. Toxicity Level: Moderate to High

Charlie Renee is fully committed to using only natural ingredients, and we never intentionally include any chemicals or ingredients that are potentially harmful or toxic. We research quality sources for ingredients that will help you achieve maximum health.  Interested in our ingredients list? Click here to review our ingredients, and browse our natural hair products.

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