Charlie Renee Naturals

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Holistic Skin Care, What does it mean?

Holistic skin care has gained popularity over the years. It’s truly awesome to see the skin care industry embrace natural, organic and holistic care practices and ingredients. The customer greatly benefits from the increased access to products, information and skin care professionals. There were times where the practice was considered ineffective. However, it’s longevity and the testimonies of enthusiastic supporters has proven that theory to be wrong. As with all new shifts in the market, the popularity and the access tends to out run the information. Which leaves a great deal of confusion and ambiguity regarding terminology. So what exactly is holistic skincare….

What is holistic skin care

Holistic skin care is an ancient practice that involves treating the skin in a "whole" body care approach. It’s an all-inclusive approach to a healthy body, mind and spirit that can result in healthy radiant skin. Addressing skin care is deeper than the surface needs of the skin. There are many factors that can cause a breakout to include diet, hormonal imbalances, stress levels, physical activity, menstrual cycles, bowel movements and others. All of these factors impact the flow of energy within the body. If your energy is blocked, it’s not flowing freely which can cause the body and skin to have an inflamed response. Have you ever wondered why you are experiencing a break out during stressful times or that time of the month? Skin health and appearance are indicators of all that is going on inside to include illness, hormonal imbalances, stress levels, and diet.


Mental wellness is a major part of having a balanced life.  One area of life that can create an imbalance is stress. Stress can wreak havoc on your overall health. In terms of skin care, increased stress levels cause internal disruptions that can result in acne and signs of aging.  When we are stressed, our bodies produce high levels of cortisol. Cortisol is known to increase blood sugar levels into the bloodstream.  Those increased levels can cause breakouts and irritate existing skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.  Stress is an unavoidable part of life but you can control how you respond to stress.  I tend to combine efforts by going for a brisk meditating walk. When I go for my walks, I am able to remove myself from the tensions of work, business or family and truly focus on the beautiful elements of nature.  If taking a walk is not your idea of releasing stress, you can incorporate herbal teas such as chamomile and lavender mint. Whatever is your cup of tea, create that practice and allow it to center your mind.


When it comes to skincare, your diet will also play significant role in skin appearance.  Acne is a common skin condition that can affect people of all genders and ages. There is a connection between acne and the foods we consume. Diets that contain dairy products and high glycemic foods (foods that quick convert to sugar) can result in increased inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation in the body can cause acne, speed up the effects of aging and exacerbate skin conditions like eczema. Studies have shown that reducing your intake of diary can help offer relief to eczema suffers. When creating a diet to achieve a wholistic approach, you want to avoid foods that will shift the natural balance.

Just like your digestive system, your skin houses billions of friendly microorganisms.  This is referred to as your skin microbiome.  Our skin microbiome protects the body from harmful intruders like microbes and the environmental elements. Using harmful chemicals and malnourishment of the skin can cause an imbalance in your skins eco system. Using natural nontoxic products to cleanse and moisturize the skin helps maintain the skin’s good bacteria for a balanced microbiome.  This can result in healthier skin, improved appearance and a balanced complexion.

We will try to do all the right things but we may have an indulgence from time to time or environmental matters out of our control. With that said, it’s a good habit to practice flushing those impurities from our body and sweating is a great method.  Sweating is one of the main functions of our skin. It is an essential part of detoxification for the body. By adding a daily exercise activity that gets your heart rate up and allows your body to sweat 30 minutes a day, you are able flush impurities blocking your pores and flush toxins out of your body. The activity can range from high intensity training to a brisk walk. Just make sure to get moving and get the blood flowing as the saying goes, “A body in motion stays in motion”.


Spiritual wellness plays an important role in mental health. To some spirituality is associated with religion but it can also refer to personal growth.  Appreciate where you are in life today and not only the tangible things but also the intangible. By not focusing on what is not present in your life, you can allow yourself to live in the moment and be grateful for the now.  You can use affirmations, journal, or create a space that generates that feeling for you.  For me, I designed my bedroom with tranquil but vibrant colors.  I removed the blinds and replaced them with flowy curtains so the sun could fill my room.  When I awake in the morning, I feel the sun on my face and my eyes open to my favorite colors.  Creating this space helps me to start my day with a smile.  If you are not one for decorating, add activities that places you in the elements to absorb the healing benefits of nature. Sometimes, I walk barefoot in the grass just to feel the earth. The cooling effects of the grass on my feet helps me feel grounded. Whether its nature, visual effects, or affirmation implement a practice that will help you find the center.